Hi, i think this is an easy question

Hi, im pretty new to Flash MX and action scripting in general and i ran across this site looking for tutorials. I must say that this is a really great site.

Im doing some animations for work and i recently ran into the problem that one of my movie clips was missing a minor detail, and that i needed to add a little red circle to this movie symbol i made. the problem is, that i already made the movie clip, and when i tried to just stick in the red circle, it didnt synch exactly with the symbol, so it looked outa place. Is there anyway to modify a movie symbol after i created it? like if i made a green ball move across the screen and put it into a movie clip, could i go back later and change the green ball into a blue ball? If not is there a way to get around this? or do i just have to remake the symbol and movie clip?


Open your library.
Double click the symbol and edit it.

hm… it doesnt work… i dont think i said my problem clearly… This is what i did, i made a red circle on my main stage, and then i converted it to a movie clip symbol, then double clicked the MC and then made a motion tween. and now i want to give the red circle some blue stripes or something, so i did what you said, open library, dbl click the movie clip symbol, drew some blue stripes on it, but wen i finish drawing it all disappears

You need to save that library object. I don’t think it does it automatically. So, if you do changes to the ball, and then go back to the Scene, I am not sure if when Flash closes that object window if it is saved.

Do this:

Changes like you did

Ctrl+S (or save from Menu->File)

that should fix your problem.

Another way to edit movieClips (or any other symbol) is to put it on the stage, right click on it, and hit ‘edit in place’. If your movieClip is one red circle, and you want to put blue stripes on it in the same layer, the blue stripes are going to automatically be UNDER the red circle. At least that’s what happens to me all the time. When eiditing your movieClip (at the graphic level) add a new layer, then add the blue stripes. See if that works.

This is in Flash MX, i think i mentioned it above
okay uh i dun think i am doing what you guys are doing.

I guess the easiest way to answer my question is how would u guys do it?

so i first have a movie clip of a red ball moving across my screen, and i name the movie clip symbol 1. i stick symbol 1 onto my main stage. now i want to modify symbol 1, so i double click on it, from there, (im in the symbol 1 edit screenie thingie), how do i change the redball into a blue ball

my library says the following things:
symbol 1 movie clip
tween 1 graphic
tween 2 graphic

are the two graphics in the library both red circles? edit them - change em to blue. Don’t know why it wouldn’t work otherwise. If that doesn’t work, post your fla.

There have been times in the past where I could be trying to do the most simple thing ever, and for one reason or another (Flash’s prob or mine) it just wouldn’t work. I would then erase it and start again, do the same thing as before, and it would work.

This is the Flash MX forum, so I think we’re all on the same wavelength - according to your last post, you’re editing a movieClip - the same way I do. Don’t know what else I can add. Post a fla if you need more help!!

excellent it works thx

Hm… thats funny, all i had to change was tween 1 , but not tween 2, i even deleted tween 2 , but the MC still works, i even remade another MC from scratch and still got tween 1 and tween 2, that gets me wondering… what is tween 2 used for ? @_@

Honestly, I’ve never noticed that before. I never edit the tweens. I know why they’re there, but I never mess with them…So, beats me! Glad it works though!!