Hi, insert into table error with asp code?

Hello, I have one table in database have the columns
ID name price ordertime

And ID column is defined as auto increase number

But when I write asp code for insert into the table like

Set conn=Server. createObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "xxx"
conn.Execute "insert into order values('"&name&"','"&price&"','"getdate()"')"

it give error message like
An explict value for the identity column in the table 'order ’ can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is on

I don’t know what does error message mean and how should I correct it then?

Does any one who can help? Thanks in advance!

And I am using MS sql server 2000

order is an SQL reserved word, you’ll need to rename your table.


Thanks for your answer. That is really the problem I met. Thanks for the useful link!!