In MS C# Visual Studio Express 2008 I am trying to figure out the proper way to increment the “unique id” field in a SQL Server Database Table when adding a new record. My table is called “metadata” and the fields are id, name, and description. Of course the “id” is the primary key and the one I wish to increment automatically.
I know that you do not want to rely on users to properly handle this field. I know how to set the identity specification, increment, and seed in the table definition. Is this the method I want to use? If so, how do I implement this in my form?
Right now my form simply has a combobox for selecting the “metadatatype” to edit, add or delete. It also has a grid to view, edit, and add records, and two textboxes - “Name” and “Description” giving the user the option to simply type the data in these two boxes and click “Add Record.”
How do I properly add a record with these two columns of information while at the same time avoiding the “Null not allowed” constraint on the “id” field? Do I actually have to get the last id value from the table and increment by 1 in code myself, before updating the table / database?
I’ve read so many different articles on this. Some say handle it at the database level, some say in the application, some say build a “data access layer.” Do I use the tableadapter’s update method, direct SQL commands? What?
This will be a small desktop application with maybe ten tables.
Is there a video or tutorial anyone can recommend?