Hi me (dodo) again ;)

well…i want i window that pops up outside flash…like on the URL adress u gave me. If u push the butten there, a window comes up…a tiny window…(10+10cm)…its this window that i want to lern to do…

Lets say i have a pic and some text about the item…i want a smal window (no explorer) that comes up OUTSIDE flash :wink: )) thats the problem…i think we missunderstud eachother ! :wink:

I want a window to popoup with the info and pic inside it…like a info-window…nothing more…

hope u understand me this time :wink:

many thanks


Hello dodo,
Ok, I think I see what you mean. You can create a small 10 by 10 window without any navigation buttons, etc. appear by clicking a button in Flash. Colin Moock has a great set of pages on creating JavaScript pop-ups that work in Flash:

www.moock.org/webdesign/flash/ (scroll down to the JavaScript and flash section)