Hi, im very new to flash, but I have a Simple layout and a button and when I press the button I want some new things to be displayed.
The way I thought it could work would be to have the button jump to the next keyframe, and in that keyframe I just made the new things turn up.
The problem is that the things that I want to show in the 2nd frame are still visable in the first frame.
Basicly lets say I have a big round button in the first fram, and its a button that when you click it, it will take you to the next frame, then in the next frame I placed a big square, but in when I look back at the first frame the big sqaure is there also.
I tried to have them in diffrent layers so the button is in one layer, and the big square is in another, but the big sqaure will still showup on the first frame. I cant delete the first fram from a layer? or is that possible? when I try delte a fram from a layer it always takes the last one even if I mark another part.
Useing CS3 and AS3 if that helps.
EDIT: Nevermind got it to work just after i posted >_>