Hiding the Source!

hi there,

would anyone know how to hide or even if its possible to eliminate, the veiw source information that one can easily obtain from a site…:smirk:

is it possible??? :stunned:

im guessing if it were, it would be something to do with either html or javascript!!

if anyones got any know how i would appreciate it!!

thnx in advance !! :slight_smile:

there was a big debate a while back, check the “Best of Kirupa.com” forum. theres ways to block the source code, but when someone goes to a flash site, the .swf file gets stored in the Temporary Internet Folder, so there’s no sure way to hide your stuff.

You can always get the source code, because you download it on your pc. The only defense then is JS, and you can shut down js.

The are compilers out there that can compile your swf. So that is also not safe.

If you own such a progrma you can even win every flash game there is, if you’re crafty enough.