Hit Test...blue border surrounding objects in MX! Help!

Ok for some reason the hitTest I have setup in the attached file seems to work in relation with the blue box’s that surround objects and not with the actually objects… does anyone have any answers to this?? I’m really stumped;( …Anyways I’m pretty sure that it has to do with the border…thanks in advance!


Sorry can’t help, but do a search on that using the forums search.

  • BTW, are you the same fargate as from NG?

sorry here’s the .fla…

yeah…I’m suprised you know who I am!

edit: already tried a search not to much success…

I know you because I used to go on Newgrounds a lot…Until it started to **** up my computer cause of the p-o-r-n-o ads… :slight_smile: I went on the forums and boy talk about buttload of s.hit. I saw your topic Actionscript Codes Here or something like that. You helped out a looootttt! Too bad I don’t remember anything you wrote.

lol I still have the file if you want it…It’s my kinda of large actionscript dictionary that’s been acummulating

There’s a parameter in hitTest where you can set the bounding box to false. Look it up in the actionscript dictionary.


*Originally posted by Fargate *
**lol I still have the file if you want it…It’s my kinda of large actionscript dictionary that’s been acummulating **

He maybe doesn’t want it but i would like to have it :wink:

If you could kinda send it to me or something like that it would be really appreaciated :wink:



Ok I looked, but I’m rather confused…could you give me an example maybe? Thanks…(how exactly am I supposed to set the bounds?)

Hey fargate. Send me the file :beam: !!! Thanks. - Sharif21@Nyc.rr.com

does anyone know the answer;(…help!!!