Hittest Help Request


I am right in middle of learning flash and trying to create a simple game but I cannot get it to work properly.
For example I am trying to make a baseball bat hit the ball. But when I run the hit.test script it hits the ball back but not when the ball hits the bat, but when it hits the corner of the picture(of the bat, aka the bounding box).

How can i re-program this so that the ball bounces back when it hits the bat instead?

Is this the correct way to do it?

  1. Get the square picture of the bat
  2. Enter edit, put small picture of circle inside the picture of the bat
  3. Do a hit.test on the small circle inside the bat instead of the picture of the bat.

I also read ways to do it by looking at the color or the movie??? (maybe I am wrong) I know there is a way to use x and y coordinates (point.hit.test I think) but that does not help if I am swinging a bat.

Any type of advice or help would be appreciate it.
thank you very much!