i am making an all flash site, and i finished it, published it. when i add the shockwave into dreamweaver, and i go to test it in internet explorer, it does not load in IE, the backgroung comes up but the space where the movie is is just white. help me please?:rd:
what’s the html code you’re using?
If it’s white then that means your linkage is wrong, check your file links and see if they’re correct.
wat links? i just put the shockwave file right onto the dreamweaver page.
Check your html coding to see if the file path is correct.
im not good wit html, wat am i lookin for?
just make sure you HTML file is in the same folder as you .swf file (the gray icon not the red one)
yea its in the right folder
now somethin else happened, i added a scrollbar to scroll in a text block, and it will only work when published as flash player 6?
you should alway publish in FLASH 6 now :-\
PS. do you have a preloader that might be it:-\
wats a preloader
i published in flash 6 and everything except my back button will work
about posting the code into dreamweaver
in your BODY (never the head)
only post from …
<!-- URL’s used in the movie–>
<!-- URL's used in the movie-->
<!-- text used in the movie-->
<!--Press a button to view text ----><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="200" id="finished" ALIGN="">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="finished.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="finished.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="200" NAME="finished" ALIGN=""
TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>
thats all you need the rest is ****, that just sorts the page out if you only want to upload that without changing any HTML.:thumb:
a preloader is a MUST for EVERY flash site (unless it’s under 50k)
this is lostinbeta’s but i could help you make a easier one if you need to but this tutorial is really good
i did the preloader tutorial, now how do u apply it to an already made website
you need to highlight all the frame (so EVERY thing goes black in your timeline)
then move them back 2 spaces, now make 4 new layers and add what you just did.
each layer in the preload you get made at to one of your 4 new layers in you main movie
PS if you have buttons that say goto and play “50” you going to need to change them to 52 now.
if you need more help just post i am always here:beam:
i added the preloader, and published in flash 6, now when i play the movie in dreamweaver, the scroll bar does not work
the box you have text in i am guessing is dyanmic text
please tell me it is
test this buy clicking it and looking in the properies panel at the bottom
yea it is
ok now drag you scroll bar over the text box and it should snap to the side