In AS3, you have to get away from the idea of linkage names or linkage id’s. Everything in AS3 is a Class and (most) can be instantiated using the standard:
[AS]var myClassInstance:MyClass = new MyClass(params);[/AS]
So when you set your pattern to export for actionscript, you give it a class name like “Pattern”, and see that Flash automatically makes it extend the BitmapData class. Now you can create an instance of your pattern with: new Pattern(0, 0); (the Bitmap data class requires a width and height parameter to be passed to the constructor. In this case they’ll be ignored and the width and height of your imported tile.png will be used).
So, to fill the background with the pattern, you can say something like:
[AS]var backGroundSprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); Pattern(0, 0));, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);;