Edit: I’ll put the registration page back up once I feel everything is working perfectly. Thanks.
Hi all,
I’m excited to announce that hobnobLover beta registration has started!
URL: http://www.hobnobLover.com
(IE 7 and FF 2 only please… Will make it compatible with more browsers as soon as other priority work is done…)
From here, you can login, register, or see what hobnobLover actually is!
Issues that still need to be addressed are located here (http://www.hobnoblover.com/issues.html)
As issues page says, there’s no friends page there yet. It works in IE as of yet, but doesn’t work in FF, so will put it as soon as work on it is done!
Should you have any questions/comments, please e-mail them to me at hobnoblover[~at~]gmail[~dot~]com.
Thanks. I appreciate you all taking part in this!
Have fun!
hobnobLover. :beam: