Holding movieclips

What is the best way to have a timer on individual movieclips?

At the moment I have 3 movieclips and when they hit a hitTest I need a 3 second counter to count down. I was using set interval but I need it so that if the user clicks the movieclip before the 3 seconds it clears the timer! I’ve used the following code that doesn’t seem to work - any help would be great.

The Wait:

function waitBLUE() {                
	trace("waiting blue 2");
	_global.blueCustomerMoveUP = false;
	_global.blueCustomerMoveDown = false

Starting the Wait:

if (this.hitTest(startHit_mc)){
	myTimerBLUE = setInterval(waitBLUE, 3000) 

Then to clear the wait if clicked:

blueCustomer_mc.onPress = function() {