Holy half life 2 trailer batman!

here lies a full 22 miuinit (sp?) trailer for half life 2, in quicktime format. this is straight from e3.

this trailer is incredible, it’s huge download but well, well worth it. the physics dynamics alone are… well, you should see for yourself.:eye:

sorry if this’s been posted before.

cheers, Squid.

hey that’s wicked, is there a link to it too? :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

yeah, just click on the hyperlink “here” at the start :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

ahem… … oopsie!! sorry! :crazy:


holy crap, 587 mb??!? well, i guess it’ll be worth it.

hey, somebody give me their ID thing. saaaaay… YOU squid.

or don’t. I’m sort of indifferent either way, since you know, I want to see it, but not so bad that I want to sign up and/or pay money.

wow, it turns out I have two accounts. never mind. guess they’re from when I was using that arcade thingy.

im sooooooo excited. This game is gonna rock! This may be the first game i get on the PC to turn me away from the GameCube.

Yeah, could I get an ID, please send it to my mail, I would really appreciat it. Stupid fileplanet stuff … :wink:

didn’t see the trailer yet, (when i’m at home i will) but i read about it and the true physics thing combined with improved AI, man it’s gonna rock

is it gonna have ‘true’ destructable landscapes, like in ‘red faction’? That will be cool.

I heard it was the biggest game at E3

wow, i just finished watching the movie. i cannot wait to get this game. the environment looks incredible, the physics are top notch, screw doom 3, i want this game now!

This isnt a trailer, it is simply a high quality version of footage shoot at E3, a tech demo.

since when was a trailer 22 minutes long?

Our boat trailer is about 22 feet long :-\



This isnt a trailer, it is simply a high quality version of footage shoot at E3, a tech demo.

since when was a trailer 22 minutes long?

trailer, shmailer, demo, whatever… it’s damm good.

ok, so I just downloaded it and watched it. Yes, I’ve heard good things about the game but dang, this was absolutely amazing! Good call on pointing that out squid!

seen it!
It’s worth it alright! CAn’t wait for it to come out! It’s gonna be a Big One! And I just love it how that flying bug crashes onto the ground! It’s like agoddam movie man! That’s nuts! I’ve already watched it about 5 or 6 times! And I’m still amazed!