Half-life 2 Trailer!

No words can explain!

This has been out for quite a while. Nevertheless, it’s friggin’ awesome ! :love:

oh that, that’s been out for ages :stuck_out_tongue:

still awesome, can’t wait for that game :love:

that and Doom3, and Black&White 2 :drool:

this trailer’s different than the others it seems… I watched it again just for haha’s, and they put in a new location, yet the stripped out the ones with the buggy (cool), and the city one with spiderlike giant freaks… :frowning:

anyhoo… :drool:

The trailer’s graphics seem awesome…When exactly is it coming out?

can’t wait for the new counterstrike mod to come out 4 this game.

Yeah indeed, that 'll be awesome as well.
Also, the possibilities you have which are displayed in the trailer are amazing as well, like shooting that thing which starts swinging and killing people, than shoving a grenade under that container so it falls down, shooting that car, etc etc…

*Originally posted by El_Thierro *
**The trailer’s graphics seem awesome…When exactly is it coming out? **

it was scheduled to december 2003, then comes the source-leak, which put it back to april 2004 (i think), and now they announced they’ll move it up to september 2004… :-/

as****sholes… :m:

I’m still waiting for B&W2, they don’t even have a trailer out…

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**it was scheduled to december 2003, then comes the source-leak, which put it back to april 2004 (i think), and now they announced they’ll move it up to september 2004… :-/

Wow, that’s a major setback…
September? Pfff… :-/
I could’ve hardly waited untill April.

I know, most of my friends couldn’t wait 'till december -03, then came the first setback… urgh… THEN the next… unbelieveable…

at least doom3 is on the steps… =)

just hope my pc can handle it… it hated the unofficial demo… well… in 1280x1024 at least :slight_smile:

I’m quite happy with 800x600 thx for asking :wink:

Heh, I have to play all my games at 800x600 (like UT2k3). Well, I don’t really have to, but if I want to play it smooth, I do. I only have a GeForce2 Pro (32mb).

But hey, now we’re talking about this: I’m thinking of buying a laptop. The specifications are:

  • Intel Pentium 4 Processor (3,06 gigaherz)
  • 512 mb RAM
  • 60 GB Harddrive
  • Geforce 5200 (64mb)

Is the graphics card good, or should I wait and buy a 128mb one? I don’t really know…at least 64 mb would be better than my current 32mb, but I’d hate to see another laptop come out a month later for the same price but with a 128 graphics card in it.

Do you think 64mb is enough to play smoothly on a higher resolution (combined with all the other specifations) ?

Now that was nicely off-topic :trout:

That trailer is indeed awesome. I had seen some parts of it but some parts i’d never seen before. I think it’s going to be very cool.
I’m also waiting for the release of CS:CZ but valve (or whoever is responsible for that) seems to change the release date over and over again. I hate it…

I hope our patience will be rewarded…

