Homestar Runner

I’m sure most of you have been to

I have watched almost every cartoon on this site and found it to be one of the best online cartoons on the web.

If you go there at all yu have to check out Strong Bad e-mails

Most of them are very funny.

Everybody! Everybody!!
I’ve been a long time strongbad fan…

but you have to watch the emails in order, otherwise, the whole email idea, and some of the jokes, doesnt make sense…

Ya i watched a couple then went to the start. I just love them.

There is one in there on web desingn. Everybody here should watch it.

i love strongbad, i’ve watched pretty much all the cartoons on it as well, the dude is hillarious

i wish i had a pet like “Cheat”

wtf is he anyways

my favorite strongbads have got to be the Japanese Cartoon and Dragon.

oh btw, sometimes there will be some hidden link after each email.

I liked techno a lot…

ya i always cafruly look for the little easter eggs he throws into the animations.

The cheat i think is like a deforemd cheata. he has the same spots as one.

lol I just found the emails today. They’re great. The one on making a website is pretty good, complete with flash intro :wink: … I missed this post the first time around =)

wow… what an incredibly old thread.