It’s fun =)
been posted twice before :trout:
Holy crap. I’ve never seen that before. That’s really cool
oh… sorry =X
that parody we had the other day was much better =)
oh? where is it?
got the bf 1942 plane sound stuck in your head? i recomend flying it again, and crashing into a tank. that should help
I refuse to believe those tyres rolled UP that slope without any help.
its a rip-off of a german physics movie that won all kinds of awards. its called “der lauf der dinge” or something. we watched it the last day of german class. they do like household items in it. you should try to find it. its really cool.
hey enyceexgloboi
you should ad like a scrubber or something, when i was watching it, i missed the last quarter because of a p call so when i came back i had no way to speed up the part i saw so i had to sit there
give some type of user controlability
just a thought
actually, if you watched the movie, theres a belt thing under the tires that, when one tire starts to slip back, it takes the belt with it, causing the tires to roll up.
some thing like that, its physics.
and to aku, he didn’t make that, hes just showing it off.
I wish the quality is better, and maybe some sounds…but the concept is awsome…very smart
aku. I didn’t make that. =)
oh lol