Honolulu,7.31. 03 Sunset (56kers beware!)

This are some pics I took on my digi cam of the sunset from my balcony.
There is two similar pics on is pre-dusk, and the other one is during the set.

Ah… Really relaxing pictures =) Nice!

Yeah, thats what I thought…

Eh I get pleny gud memories from Kapiolani park. Can see um jus below dimun head!

Kapiolani park is fun… oh yeah… I remeber countless times waking up there… ! Right by Waikiki!

God, that’s gorgeous. :slight_smile:

<b>Stands outside front door</b> Hmm, this is all I get. :sure:

Why aren’t I in Hawaii or something? :slight_smile:

Hey All Kirupians are welcome on my island!

All those pics, are from my balcony!

How did you come up with the nick Russianbeer when you’re from Hawaii?

Very nice Russian. We get amazing sunsets from the front of our house which looks over to some mountains. The sun sets right in front of our house but in winter moves to the left kind of out of view. We’ve taken heaps of pics so this may not be the best one. :slight_smile: Edit - Sun moves to the right not left.

Cool. Looks like fire in the sky. Whoa…

How did you come up with the nick Russianbeer when you’re from Hawaii?

I am acctualy russian!

Nice pics RussianBeer, although I’m not too keen on the very last one (the light is reflecting off the buildings a little too strongly). I was on Oahu (the main island I believe) around September/October, man I love Hawaii :). I tried my hand at surfing at Waikiki beach (still have a little scar on my right shin where I scratched it on the coral reef - and boy do I suck at surfing :P) but we were staying in a really nice Marriot quite a distance from that part of the island.

I’ve been to Hawaii once or twice in the past as well but it’s just so beautiful. If I’m lucky, we might get a holiday home there and in a couple of years, my parents may move there (I’d be off to university; hopefully in the US) and I’d visit all the time :beam: :smirk:.

You’re so lucky to live there!

Wow - really cool RB! Kit, that’s a nice view also. Just wondering - are those walkways or actual mini-roads where cars can go through? :ub:

that’s beautiful Russian, you are one lucky guy to be able to live there.

On my pic? It’s a pathway the runs outside the house. :slight_smile: There’s a main road at the top of the picture, though you can’t see it, and at the front off camera there would be another road. But it’s got a fair few of these little paths running off it, with about 6 houses on each. :slight_smile:

This is the actual house… To the right would be the road.

Still not a patch on Hawaii though. :sure:

OK, they’re not going into <i>my</i> house…

Hey russian!

That is such an awesome veiw from your pad! I am so jealous.

I see some gross little stream that my condo unit probably flushes its toilet into.

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
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HAHAHAHAHA! thats classic!

RB those are amazing! what camera? boy i wish i got shots like those!