Hover caption not working

I was able to follow the instructions on how to create hover caption in Flash MX, I had no problem. However, when I try on my own Flash document I created (5 times) i cannot get it to work. I follow the steps one by one the same way I did when I did the tutorial but I cannot make it work. Any ideas why?

I am doing the same steps as in: Displaying Hover Captions (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/captions.htm).



could you post the .fla?Or, download the source provided in the tutorial and compare it to your .fla…it’s the best way to learn, i think

What happens?

Does it not display properly or not at all?

And yes, a file would be helpful.

When I test it, it does not work at all. I can see the text box I created and the rectangle, but it does not work. I will try to post the fla, when I get to my computer.
Thanks a million for replying so quickly.

Make sure you gave the text box the right variable.

I was able to create a new document and I made it work. The instructions are a little confusing when I am creating the text box on top of the rectangle box. For some reason when I add the action scripts that is where I have my conflicts. I can probably figure it out.

Thanks a lot.