I am try to create hover captions for a org chart that has a lot of people on it. When you mouse over the persons name there picture is diplayed.
I have tried to use the tutorial and searched in forums on how to display captions based on the location. Is there a way to make this happen?
What do you mean based on the location? And have you tried the tutorial on kirupa.com?
I have done the tutorial on the site which works great.
More detail here:
You have a chart with sally , tom and bob. when you mouse over sally sally’s picture is displayed and so on.
When I tried to create this by duplicationing the caption movie clip, placing image in the clip, renameing the instance name, and the clip. changing all the instances names in the script. added in the actionlayer
startDrag(_root.sally, true);
startDrag(_root.tom, true);
When I mouse over one of the buttons only one clip moves while the other stays stationary. the one thats stationary diplays the text for each button while the other caption stays visible and does not clear.
Let me know If I need to go into more detail… I will not a problem. I really want this to work…
startDrag only works for one movie clip at a time. There are workaround for this however. You can either define your own function (search the forums, this has been answered many times and there are flas/code floating around for this) OR you can put all the movie clips you want to drag inside one movie clip and use startDrag on that. edit this might work for you to have both the text and the pic MCs both inside a master MC that can be dragged. It’s just a matter of then altering the rest of the code to include that pathway of the master MC.