Just wondering, I followed the tutorial showing how to make hover captions.
This is my problem:
I have a main movie which calls in another swf ( lets refer to it as ‘external’ ) using ‘loadmovie’.
Now in ‘external’, I have two MC’s. One contains the text box and background for the hover caption. This MC’s instance is named ‘caption’. The other MC is a small image gallery. This has four buttons to which I have attached the actions to make the hover appear. This MC instance is called ‘main’.
Apart from these two MC’s, is the frame with actions:
startDrag(_root.caption, true);
Now when I test the movie ‘external’ by itself it works fine. I move the mouse over the buttons and the hover caption appears etc. But when I test the whole movie ie. the main movie calling in ‘external.swf’, the whole of ‘external’ drags instead of just the hover acptions ie. the image gallery ‘drags’.
I have tried a few different things but nothing seems to work. I know it is something small that I have missed but can anyone help?
If I have not explained this well and a link would help, please let me know…
Sorry, I’m new here. Just seen a post which has helped me solve part of the above issue.
I have taken the _root part out of the of the
startDrag(_root.caption, true); script.
now the hover captions work fine on my main movie, only now their is no text. I have played around, taking the _root part out of the other actions in the movie, but nothing seems to work 100%.
It’s the old “path” issue…
If you use loadMovie, that means you load external into a target.
so you have
…target(containing external)
…containing caption
Now it depends where you place your code, if it’s in root, external or…?
can you post your fla?
Ok, here is the situation. I have attached a zip file containing some fla files which are simplified versions of my site files.
I have a swf called ‘main’. An external movie, called ‘external’ loads into ‘main’ via the loadmovie command, into a blank holder MC named ‘blank’. On my site, it is a button action, but for simplicity sake, I have put the action in the first keyframe of ‘main’. So the ‘external’ loads instantaneously. This movie contains a box. Now into this box loads another external movie called ‘external2’, using loadmovie into a target MC called ‘blankexternal’.
Now the script for the hover lies in this movie called ‘external2’. This movie consists of a MC named ‘caption’ containing the hover text field and background and an image gallery with four buttons contained in a MC named ‘main’. These buttons control the images. Now what I would like to happen is when you hover over the buttons, the hover caption appears with text on it.
So far I have managed to get the hover to appear, but with no text on it.
I know this all sounds really complicated but if you check out the files, it might help.
So to recap, I have a movie within a movie within a movie. The hover script is in the ‘granchild’ movie.
Glad you figured it out
(ain’t talkin’ to yaself, just, some pple work daytime even if we almost are in the same timezone, it might a day to get an answer…