How 2 make it fade?

Hellow masters!
I want the black shadow to fade out on mouse over & go back to normal on mouse out! It seems pretty easy but I cant work with the actionscripts so plz help me!

on (rollOver) {
_alpha =“0”;
on (rollOut) {
_alpha =“100”;

plz adapt :slight_smile:

Hey landgenoot :wink:

Are you using it for a button or a movieclip ?


for MC, its a cover for a background
the background will apear when you roll over with the mouse

Ok, use this on the timeline your movieclip is in:

mc.onRollOver = function(){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._alpha > 0 ? this._alpha -= 10 : delete this.onEnterFrame
mc.onRollOut = function(){
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
this._alpha < 100 ? this._alpha += 10 : delete this.onEnterFrame

hmmm… It doesn’t seem 2 work

I’m sure it works … are you sure you gave your movieclip the correct instance name ?

can I send you the .fla by mail, so you have a better idea of what I mean? I tried to put it on the forum but it was too big

Sure, voetsjoeba[at] :slight_smile:

Hey Voets! I was just helping another dude out with the same problem! :stuck_out_tongue:

I referred him to the same script you helped me out with not too long ago and then this one after I found it. You say it so much better than I can!

Voetsjoeba has found a way & it works real fine!

i used the method by voets and it worked for an object, but when i put text in the mc, it wouldn’t work, anyone know why?

& what if you make an MC of the text :-\ ?

thats what i did, i made a mc of the text :frowning:

try breaking the text apart inside of the movie clip. that usually does the trick

You can not animate dynamic texts without embedding the font outlines. If you don’t really require the text to be dynamic, you can either break it apart, or make the text static :slight_smile: