How big is big?

How big is big when it comes to a flash movie :q: ? I’ve recently created a layout for my website using only macromedia’s flash and imported bitmaps. I’ve made a good design however I continue to be concerned with the size of my movie and the loading time. The url to the movie is (its still not quite complete). I’ve added a loading scene however I have a broadband connection and I’m looking for comments from dialup users on the loading time.

I’d say 200 kb… or if more than that, i’d suggest using levels…

this might help too…


Now I’m confused. What are levels? If your talking about scenes I know that, but I’ve never heard the term levels. :-\

its loading external SWF’s into a movieclip using the loadMovie() function… that way you download only the requested sections of the site…

i’ll see if i can find any tuts on that…


here… this one… =)


The full flash site tutorial on also has some good stuff about loading movies. You should check that out too. Even if you don’t use the technique, its good for learning.


I understand the concept of levels now and importing swf files into my flash movie but now I’m confused again :-\ . I want to position my imported movie by writting the X and Y values but I can’t seem to find a way to do it in Flash 5.0. If someone knows how, please tell me.

Have an empty movie clip and load the movie there. You should then be able to position the movie clip containing the loaded movie clip. Does that make sense?