How big is your Music Folder?

I’ve noticed mine is rahter big…

933 Songs, 3.36Gb (1.8 Days)

Yours? :thumb:

3505 songs, 9 days 9 hours, 22.82 GB and climbing… I <3 music

Do not question my math.

[whisper]yea… I must of not noticed it after i edited in my beatles stuff in. Btw it did say 7gig (6.5 dave).[/whisper]

excuses, excuses

i purged 60% of my library a few months ago, it was all garbage, so now i’m at 1831 songs (8.85gigs) of pure good

7772 songs
23.6 days
46.28 Gig

~ 3 gigs, ~580 songs. some 128kbps mp3 and some VBR mp3.

Yup, I have proactically nothing compared to all of you :stuck_out_tongue:


3350 items, 10 days, 27 GB.

Bought every single song too.

^That sounds expensive

[QUOTE=sekasi;2354125]3350 items, 10 days, 27 GB.

Bought every single song too.[/QUOTE]
You must have some long songs, cause in iTunes I have 2000 items, 4.8 days and 7.3 GB.

I just have the stuff I like in iTunes. Overall my music folder is 15.7 GB.

I buy all my music too :pleased:

Not so big anymore.
Had to reformat my computer and all 4000+ songs are just on my iPod.
My computer is a lot faster now :slight_smile:

168 hours 13.7 gigs, its not all in one folder its kind of scattered :slight_smile: alot of that is from all my beatles music

I’ve only got 1281 songs, 6.56 gigs hehe

[quote=TheCanadian;2354146]You must have some long songs, cause in iTunes I have 2000 items, 4.8 days and 7.3 GB.

I just have the stuff I like in iTunes. Overall my music folder is 15.7 GB.

I buy all my music too :pleased:[/quote]

His avg. song length: 4.3 minutes
Your avg. song length: 3.5 minutes
My avg. song length: 4.3 minutes

So his aren’t substantially shorter than yours and are right in line with mine…

Alot depends on the genre I guess. I listen to alot of metal and most of my songs are well over 5 minutes, with many breaking 10 minutes and some 20 minutes. Then again, for certain sub-genres, songs are often under 2 minutes with the focus being on intensity for a very short amount of time. Other genres than metal have songs that can tend to be alot shorter or longer.


btw, I bought most of my songs. Some are gifts and/or from other peoples collections. No p2p-ing or anything though.

[QUOTE=McGuffin;2283876]14.33 GB

I probably need to clean some older stuff out. What I tend to do is get new stuff and listen to it heavily and then drop it in favour of newer stuff later on.[/QUOTE]

That was Feb 10. Now it’s 11.40 GB / 1991 songs / 5.6 days.

The RIAA loves this thread. :look:

Bah, doesn’t bother me. I have all of my music legally. :stuck_out_tongue: That’s why I have so little.


[QUOTE=ShadowViper;2354412]His avg. song length: 4.3 minutes
Your avg. song length: 3.5 minutes
My avg. song length: 4.3 minutes

So his aren’t substantially shorter than yours and are right in line with mine.[/QUOTE]

His avg song file size: 7.6 MB
My avg song file size: 3.7 MB

It’s twice mine for some reason :wt:

[quote=TheCanadian;2354954]His avg song file size: 7.6 MB
My avg song file size: 3.7 MB

It’s twice mine for some reason :wt:[/quote]

My avg song file size: 4.7 MB (611 songs, 2.8 GB)

Probaly just a higher quality. I know alot of people that won’t listen to anything less than FLAC (lossless). I’m personally fine with 128 kbps mp3 (along with a sprinkling of VBR from eMusic), my headphones aren’t good enough to show a very big difference anyway.


PS, I love being on a techy, nerd forum. Where else would we take the time to analyze our relative song length and file size :stuck_out_tongue:

1350 - quality not quantity

oIs that a joke? Or do you just have only non-digital music?

I can’t even conceive going for more than a few days without music. :stuck_out_tongue: Outside of my house my mp3 player never leaves my pocket (save for when I am actually using it).
