How many Gigs are you at?

Just wanna know how many gigs of mp3s you have.
I have about 13, just a little over but not .5.

like 15-18gigs. I have friends with like a whole 200gig HD devoted to Music/comedy.

I’ve got 16.3 or so…

23,7 music
22,0 musicvideo

10, but I buy all my music legally…

54gb of music. I ripped my whole CD collection one day and it just went through the roof.

one of my computer programming teacher had around 9 terrabytes of rock music. Once he made a calculation about how long would it take to listen to each and every different songs he has: 2 years++

too bad he had to leave our school :frowning:

yes because he’s now in jail for downloading all that music. :slight_smile:

I have 20.15 gb of legal music. It’s mostly from CDs, but a few are from iTunes, too.

1.5gb (of music that I actually LISTEN to) :pleased:

Ditto, all my music comes on CD’s (except for 3 songs) - but i only have 5.06gb.

27,3 GB all music.but it does get bigger because i rec a lot from :smiley: and then i erase it random and record again new tracks :smiley: i ll prob erase it all one day because i use a lot screamer…

Do any of you use Pandora? It’s pretty awesome.

I’m trying it now - it seems really awesome.

That’s because it is… :wink:


:lol: That makes sense.

I only have aboout 2g of legal music but if I ripped all of my CD’s I’d have 20 odd gig

~7 Gigs, a lot is from iTunes, a lot from CDs, but I must admit, I did put my cousin’s collection on my iPod while I was at her house

Come and get me RIAA