How can I fade out this api preloader?


I have an api preloader that I like to use. It would be great if it could fade out when the loader reaches 100, but I don’t know how to do it. :frowning: Right now it just disappears when it reaches 100… is there something I can do? I’ll attach it to this post!

// api preloader
movieWidth = 795;
movieHeight = 560;
width = 100;
height = 6;
font = "Arial";
fontsize = 12;
borderColor = "0x000000";
innerColor = "0x000000";
this.createEmptyMovieClip("border", 1);
with (this.border) {
	lineStyle(0, borderColor);
	moveTo(0, 0);
	lineTo(width, 0);
	lineTo(width, height);
	lineTo(0, height);
	lineTo(0, 0);
	border.createTextField("percent", 0, 0, height, width, height*6);
	myformat = new TextFormat();
	myformat.color = 0x000000;
	myformat.align = "center";
	myformat.font = font;
	myformat.size = fontsize;
	percent.selectable = false;
this.border.createEmptyMovieClip("loadbar", 1);
with (this.border.loadbar) {
	beginFill(innerColor, 100);
	moveTo(0, 0);
	lineTo(width-2, 0);
	lineTo(width-2, height-2);
	lineTo(0, height-2);
	lineTo(0, 0);
	_xscale = 0;
	_x += 1.5;
	_y += 1.5;
border._x = movieWidth/2-border._width/2;
border._y = movieHeight/2-border._height/2;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	with (this.border) {
		_visible = true;
		percentLoaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal()*100);
		loadbar._xscale = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal()*100);
		percent.text = percentLoaded+"% loaded";
	if (percentLoaded == 100) {
		delete this.onEnterFrame;
		border._visible = false;