How to fade a preloader..?

Hello there,

How can you make a preolader stay a few frames on 100% and
then fade out?



hi there
if you’re using a movieclip with the preload you can control the percent it loaded and then set its alpha property to the alpha amount you want until it fades out.
for this you use a function called setproperty(movieclip,_alpha,amount) i think is like this,see the flash help if i’m not correct with the parameters

i hope i could be helpful

another suggestion is ,when the preload reaches 100% you send it to some frame don’t you? well on that frame you begin a tweening with _alpha at 100% and as many frames as you want on front of that you put your preload with _alpha on 0% and then you make a motiontween,after this you put you aplication,it’s quite easy