How can i make a button, that first finishes x frames and

Hiya, flash-N00b & new here,

and i got a question,
ive looked trough the action scripts, and trough the entire 1200 page Flash handbook, but i couldnt find this one thing, wich i need really bad, im sure its scriptable, but i havent script one thing, besides some poor html.

what i want to know is, how can i make a button, that first finishes XX frames, and then goes to a sertain frame somewhere else on the timeline.

i hope someone can help me out, gotta finish this tomorrow for a schoolproject, and the teach doesnt even know what ‘action scripting is’ lol.

thnx in advance :)=)

Dutch ? Ik spreek Vlaams :wink:

Yes, the script will become something like this:

yourbutton.onRelease = function(){
        onEnterFrame = function(){
                if(this._currentframe == 306){
                        delete this.onEnterFrame
yourotherbutton.onRelease = function(){
        onEnterFrame = function(){
                if(this._currentframe == 370){
                        delete this.onEnterFrame
anotherbutton.onRelease = function(){
        onEnterFrame = function(){
                if(this._currentframe == 250){
                        delete this.onEnterFrame

306, 370 en 250 zijn maar voorbeeldgetallen hè. Dan zou da moeten werken. Enfin, als ik u toch goed begrepen heb.