How can i make a hero wait before hes does the action

this is the problem i am runing can i make it so that they wait until all 3 heros have select their attacks before any of them does an action.

i got hero1 hero2 and hero3:


(this is only for reference)

in english this is what i need

hero1 i choose my attack and wait on hero2 and hero3 to choose attack
hero2 i choose my attack and wait on hero3 to choose attack
hero3 i choose my attack
then a 2 second wait…
hero3 attacks first-but only if his speed is greater then hero1 and hero2
hero1 attacks second-but only if his speed is greater then hero2
hero2 attacks third-but only if his speed is lower then hero3 and hero1

i guess in short what i really need is a “wait function”
the thins is i got NO idea how to do this cuse i have never bump into any in no tutorials any help.

sorry i cant upload the fla but is cuse i am trying to keep the game under wraps…you guys know what i mean.

thanks in advance

NOTE: i am a newb with some fairly knowledge of AS.


what?? huh?? ok?!

any body can help me please if not i guess i am on my own