I have a movie, whereby if i press button 1, the movie clip will appear and when i press button2, the movie clip will appear. Now my problem is i want my movie to look more fluid by having the movie clips fade in and out on the press of the button.
I have attached my file so you can clearly understand what i want to achieve in my movie.
I looked at your file and all you have right now is buttons that are link to frame labels which is fine, but there is no animation of what you’re trying to do.
What I would do with your current setup is for example create a alpha tween of your movieclip fading from 0-100 on frames 5-10 for example and place a stop on frame 10. Then on frame 11 that would be your next label so frames 11-20 for example would be the next alpha tween animation of the next movieclip on so on with the others. I hope that will give you an idea. =)
Thanks electrongeek for the idea, but what if i want to add a fade-out effect when another button is pressed? eg. is if say MC1 is on stage and when i press button 2, MC one will fade out and MC2 will fade in. . . . . something like that.
Alpha tweens can make animation choppy on slower machines, so use tint whenever you can.
Obviously you can only do a tint when you have a solid background.
I didn’t DL your FLA so I don’t know how you have it…
I was just throwing that out there. :geek:
*Originally posted by rijner *
**Thanks electrongeek for the idea, but what if i want to add a fade-out effect when another button is pressed? eg. is if say MC1 is on stage and when i press button 2, MC one will fade out and MC2 will fade in. . . . . something like that. **
Funny that you asked that because I asked a similar question way back when I was kinda new here. Here is the thread that I posted back then and Sourcerer helped me out and also posted a great sample FLA. Here is the link, hope it helps. =)
cant seem to figure out the transition file. hope you still remember but looking at the transition fla, i added a transition movie clip but because i dont know anything about AS cant figure out a thing.
In the transition file i noticed ‘opencolor’ in my case it’s movie clips i am trying to load, so what should i replace ‘opencolor’ with?
Can you look at my file and let me know what i am doing wrong.
Ok you made a big mess by trying to change the names from “color” to “movies”. If you’re not familiar with actionscripting then you should of modeled after the example file instead of trying to make things confusing my trying to use other names. I went ahead and fixed your file for you. You’ll notice that I changed everything back to the color names so it’s easier to work with, please keep that in mind. Here is your file.
Thanks for fixing my file. I don’t know much about or anything at all about AS. I tried experimenting because what if my MCs were JPEGs instead of the ‘rectangular boxes’, that’s why i tried using the ‘load movie’. But i guess that was the wrong code. Ha ha.
Hope you can still be patient with me cause i still have some questions to ask:
the actionscript in the file is ‘color’, i assume is what it does is change the colors of the rectangular boxes. What if they were JPEGs? what should i replace ‘color’ with?
i changed my mc1 to a JPEG and didn’t change anything in the AS, how come it worked out okay?
Instead of changing your MC to a jpeg, double click on your MC and place your jpeg inside it. Leave all the actionscripting alone, just place the jpeg inside the MC and it should work.