HOW DID THEY DO THIS? PLEASE TELL ME! I want it to be a feture on my new site

ok so you see this:

and when you click the button labeld “SBC Yahoo!”
a menu drops down like this:

SEE! I RIGHT CLICK IT AND IT AINT FLASH!!! I wanna know how to do this! The menu drops down, like it just doesn’t appear, it has a slide effect! Its not Flash… what is it? Its sooo cool!

Its called a DHTML menu, you can get some here…

Sidenote: Many people consider them very tacky.

I think it’s done with JavaScript and DHTML, if so you should be able to look at the source code of the page and find the scripting.


do you have Dreamweaver?

they have a tut in the help files just for this kinda thang…

tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky …

but by all means, please go ahead…



Well, the little icons de-tackify it a little, no?

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**… tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky tacky … **

I’m sorry, was that outloud?


It depends on how it is used and such, but overall, menus like that are tacky.

Agreed, and they also perform poorly on older systems with slower processors.

Oh! HEY!!! Sorry I didn’t respond… I waited for someone then started playing EverQuest… hehe. Yes… I have DreamWeaver…

oh ok