How do I center my site?

Im new to Flash…trying to get my site to center on the browser window but can’t

I’ve tried:

Publish settings > HTML > HTML alignment > set to Default but it doesn’t work, it still places the swf flush left.


Publish setting > HTML > Flash alignment > horizontal centered but that doesn’t work…

can anyone tell me what I’m missing?

many thanks!

I’m a Flash beginner, so others may have better answers, but… if you use Dreamweaver I know you can open the published html file in Dreamweaver, select/click on the swf, go to Text > Align > Center and that works. Why it’s under the Text menu beats me, but whatever gets you there I guess!

I used the other poster’s technique; opening my index file in DW and setting the text alignment to centered.

I checked out your link though and wish to understand it. Are you suggesting I nest my entire swf in an mov? Or, are your instructions used to adjust the actual HTML code in my published index file?

Thanks again.

that works!