Hi guys,
Im all new to this and bought a template to make a webpage with fullscreen image in the back. Trouble is the image in the template calls up a separate Background .swf where the image is tiled in the AS2 code.
I just want to make the page read a full screen image “no tiled”.
Here is the code:
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;
myListenerload = new Object ();
myListenerload.onResize = function () {
tileBG ();
Stage.addListener (myListenerload);
myListenerload.onResize ();
function tileBG () {
tile_width = 200;
tile_height = 200;
x_max = Stage.width / tile_width;
y_max = Stage.height / tile_height;
for (x = 0; x < x_max; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < y_max; y++) {
bg = this.attachMovie (“fill_image”, “bg” + x + y, this.getNextHighestDepth ());
bg._x = tile_width * x;
bg._y = tile_height * y;
filter = this.attachMovie (“filter_for_image”, “filter”, this.getNextHighestDepth ());
filter._x = 0;
filter._y = 0;
filter._width = Stage.width;
filter._height = Stage.height;
tileBG ();