How do I make a presentation?

Okay, I’ve been asked by a friend, (artist/painter) that has a show coming up in a few weeks, if I could create a type of “slide-show” or “presentation” or her works that can be viewed on a screen. What she basically wants is for all the pics of here work to cycle through, with some type of transition animation between the pieces. I’m totally in the dark on this type of thing.
I could easily do this in flash and slap it on the web, but when it comes to making a cd-rom, i have no clue. Is making a cd the way to go? Can a cd be played through one of those projectors that display on a screen? Basically what I need to know, is how can this be presented to an audience, and how do I make it? I kind of looked up on screens, but I’m not sure at all how to tackle this. If anyone can help out? Thanks

OK, make the Flash movie and then open the .SWF file that is created when you Publish.

Inside the Flash movie, click on the File menu and select “Create Projector”. This lets you save an EXE file that can be run from anywhere (a CD in your case) even if that computer doesn’t have Flash installed.

Okay, but I need this to display on a big screen or something of that type. Not on other users computers. This is for a big presentation in front of a crowd. Hopefully you can still help.

Also, there are about 100+ pics that need to be viewed. So would I just be better off getting some kind of software that can make a slideshow, or still try to make it in flash?
I’m running on a short amount of time on this, so anyones little bit of help is appreciated.:beer:

something like this?

use this javascript command to open the presentation: javascript:presentatie(), then in the left and right corner are the “next” and “previous” buttons…

if you want the .fla, and needed .html code, pm me

Its not working for me…how am I suppose to use the javascript command?

use IE, and just put the command in the url input field :slight_smile: (where you enter an url to go to)

Sorry, its not working still, i must not be doing this right :puzzled:

<edit> Oops, i had copied the comma after the command accidentally.</edit>

Yes, this is somewhat what i need, but I need it run automatically, and run on a television or big screen projector, as opposed to the web.


open the page, then look at this picture, enter the command like that, then hit enter

if nothing is showing up, shutdown your popup killer…

edited post ^

this can run local, just put it on a cd or something.

Why not use Flash projector!?
You CAN run it full screen and if you’re giving the presentation in front of a crowd of people you could just display it through a projector or something.

Or…du du du-du…you could resort to the drastic measure of Powerpoint!

Is it not just as simple as this or am I miss-reading this or something?

Flash projector? What is that?
I searched up some slide-show software on google and found things that would be perfect. U just drag in the jpgs u want, pick transition effects, add music, thats about all i need. The thing is, there are about 100-200 jpgs, thats why I figured it could be a pain to do in flash. What do you think?

Oh, and can you play a cd in a projector, because I’d like it to be viewed on a big screen. Like in school lectures, you know what i mean.

A projector is a .exe file exported from flash.
Your best bet is to find a flash source that loads in images and then loads them into flash automatically (these would have to be .jpg). There is an fscommand that makes a projector play fullscreen. All you would need to do after that is to bundle everything onto a cd and figure out how to make an autorun file so it plays when you put the cd in.

Hey Dru, yeah if you want a Projector file, it’s easy-- just under Publish, choose Projector (for windows or Mac, whichever you need). As far as your presentation though, the only issue you’re going to have really is control over when it plays and how to quit it without your desktop showing in front of everyone. You can make it run automatically by making an .ini file (on PC only) which can be made in notepad, do a search on here for .ini or ‘autorun’ or something. To make it fullscreen put this in your actions for your whole presentation.

fscommand(“fullscreen”, “true”);

Be sure to put a quit button somewhere too so you can get out of it. Put this code on it:


To be honest though Powerpoint, as crappy as it is, does this kind of stuff easily. It may be better to just go with that and not deal with programming and transitions and all that. Hope that helped.

Crap i meant an .inf file, not an .ini file. It has to be named ‘Autorun.inf’ and it has this in it:

OPEN = "yourfilename.exe"
ICON = “iconfilename.ico”

The icon is optional though. Ok sorry about the .ini/ .inf thing.

Thanks for all the input.
@ Alan, yeah…I started to explore options other than flash. It’d probably be best to use another application. But the info you gave is still very helpful!:thumb:

If you are working in MX2004, just click on new, presentations, slideshow and take it from there. Then export as projector for either mac or pc.