Hello. I just finished my flash cartoon and am curious what format I need to have my movie in to put it on the web. My friend is going to put it online for me for viewing. I was curious if I could use the html file? Or do I have to use the .swf? Problem with the .swf is I drew outside of the stage in scenes, and if I maximize the swf publish preview window the viewer can see that. We also did a test with this .swf and it is huge online and download time is ridiculous, not to mention the viewer can see outside the stage. I want it viewed online the exact size as the publish preview window. How do I go about this?
Is there anything additional I need to do to have my movie available to just plug into explorer or dreamweaver for internet viewing? For example, editing the document, debugging, etc. Right now my movies are in .swf format and the default html format. Thank you.