How do I save a Flash to open automatically on a CD?

I need to have a Flash program (projector?) on a CD, so that when the CD is inserted, the Flash program opens automatically. Is that set up in the FSCommands? Where on the timeline is this action inserted and what code would I use?
Can anyone help? Thanks…

I havn’t tried it on a flash projector but I have on a Director projector (which I think are pretty much the same things)…
I used the autorun.inf program that you’ll find on most free cd’s that you get from all the computer mags…
Simply copy the code onto your machine open it (it opens in wordpad) then change the program name to yours ie. yourprojector.exe (where it says open=)…
Include this file on your cd with the projector file and it should start the projector as soon as you insert the cd…
Im assuming your on pc… Im not sure if this applies to macs…

Good luck :slight_smile: