How do I stop looping

I put my flash movie on my web site, but how do I stop it from looping?

do you have a stop() action on it? on the last frame?

this is the correct code to use.



File > Publish Settings… > HTML (tab) -> uncheck “Loop” in Playback options

OK it will work with the publish method. But what is this code method? I just click on the last frame of a layer and type stop() in the actions dialog box to stop individual layers?


and with this stop feature, it should stop the movie from looping.

Ahmed had the wrong code.

I will definetly try it. Hopefully it works for individual layers.

is tehre any way when the sound is on “event” to make it stop at a certain point other than stopAllSounds becuaes i want to have another sound fade in then the music stop

Good question. By the way Alex and Ahmed where did you get your avatars?

we made them =)
see the thread ‘Pixel People’

and alex-
what’s wrong with my ‘code’? its just a stop action =)

You left out the “;” at the end of “stop()”…ergo…“stop();” …:wink:

Alex is a stickler ferDetail :!:…:wink:

All your Layers should end at the same frame and the action applied to a frame will effect all frames because it stops the movie timeline (allLayers) at that frame - capishee (?);

If you want to start and stop different things at different times they each need to be sepparate movieClips with their own timelines and actions (movies within movies within movies , etc.)
…the main timeline should be treated as theStagingArea for all your little movies and your background stuff…


lol oh okay… but… in AS the “;” isn’t always neccesary… is it? cause it worked fine with me… :sure:

never tried it without the “;” … allways use the AS library and insert from there in expert mode and it allways has the “;” …
…I suppose the “;” could be left out and still be recognized by the movie, but I allways felt that the exclusion of said “;” would nullify the action (???)… any expert opinions on this…hmmmm?

…anyWho… proper syntax is allways a good practice even if one could get away with doing otherwise - else(chaos.we.WouldHave)

[emoticon of excrutiation that does not exist]

; is not necessary. You can write all the code you want and not need to use the semi-colon at all. The only time you would need it is in putting two lines of code on one, ie.

_x = 10; _y = 20

^ there you have 2 different statements which can exist on the same line because there is seperation defined with the semi-colon. Otherwise, seperation is defined with a newline and the ; isnt necessary

Something you have to be careful of is #include <- that does NOT use a semi-colon and wont work if you do.