Im a newb with Flash MX 2004. basically the only thing i know how to do is a motion tween… O.o I want to know how to stop playing something at the end of 35 frames or so so it doesn’t loop. please help
on the main timeline, click on frame 35. Open you actions panel and put this:
Thank you tons!!!
ok i do that, but when i put that in that frame, all the other frames stop as well, how do i get the other frames to loop? while having that one frame stopped?
If you’ve got a bunch of seperate animations going on your main timeline, you can’t stop just one. You’re best off to put them all in seperate Movie Clips. I’ll do you a quick example up.
Ok, here you go. Each Movie Clip has it’s own timeline, so you can manipulate them individually ie. stop() one if you want to and let the others continue to play. If you want to make your animations individual movie clips, click on the first frame of that layer in your main timeline, drag/highlight to the end of your layer, right click on the highlighted part, click “cut frames”. Click Insert>New Symbol make it a movie clip, right click in the first frame of the new movie clip, and click paste frames. This will make a new movie clip containing the animation your previously had in the main timeline. I suggest making sure you save your work before doing this, just to make sure you don’t lose anything while cutting and pasting frames.
i am still confused. i don’t really know that much about flash
i understand what you are saying but i don’t know how to do it
so you are saying one of your movie clips is looping? or the entire movie? I was reading it as the movie. If you just want the clip to stop, then do as adam suggested, and open that clip, and put a stop in.
i have five layers, three i want to keep on playing, and two i want to stop at the same time, when i do the stop(); command on one layer, everything stops.
is everything animated on teh main timeline or are you using movie clips for these 5 things? this will make all the difference.
you should post you flas
You can’t make isolated layers stop- other than just making a load of non-moving frames on one layer while the others still are animating.
if you post your .fla that would clarify a bit.