How do professional Flash developers get started?

I have a quick question for you guys who are doing Flash/Flex for a living. How did you guys first get into Actionscript? Did you come from programming backgrounds? And, if so, what languages did you previously study? The reason I ask this is because I want to get into web development (including Flash). I’m studying Java at a local school, and I learned HTML, CSS, and a very little JavaScript on my own.

Basically, what I want to know is, did you guys learn on your own, or formally (school, training, etc.)? I’ve taken AS3 about as far as I have learned Java (they seem to compliment eachother). Going beyond the points I’ve reached in school is VERY difficult to me (working with .as files, passing parameters and args back and forth, etc.).

What advice would you give to a newer fellow like myself? And, given the option to study Java or C++ (and wanting to go into web development), which would you choose? Thanks in advance to any repliers.:hugegrin: