well, as u guessed i am a beginner. but i’m trying to start a text movie after something like 20 frames through a sound file
how can tell flash to start the text movie to do that?
also i’m creating the text in swish, so i was wondering if i can include a sound file with the text in swish…is it possible ?
thanks people , u 've been great 
Use an if statement to detect what frame it is on.
if (this._currentframe == 20){
//do this
Where the //do this is, put the code that plays your other movie. I am not sure exactly hwo you have it set up so I don’t know exactly what do use.
…or you can just put something like this in frame20 of your soundMC:
_root.textMC.gotoAndPlay(2); //set your path and start code for text anim
when it hits frame 20, it’ll trigger your other animation…