How do u do this?

ok look:

see how when u rollover it starts changing colors and when u rolloff it flips straight back to normal?

well how do the people make it so when u hover over for so long and its not dont going through it goes back? instead of flipping back?

thx if anyone knows how…

what the heck nobody knows how??? :h:

I don’t think that’s what you mean, is it?!

Make a movie clip with the animation of the button in it. When you roll the mouse over it plays and when you roll the mouse out, you can use a script like this on the mc:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mouseOutCheck == true) {

…remember to create the variable: _rrot.mouseOutCheck and assign the ‘true’ value when the mouse rools out.

You can also just put a the fading animation in the rollover state of a button.