I’m new here but always have questions regarding Flash MX.
Does anyone know how the transitions on this site were created. http://www.gavindegraw.com/. The designer who created it is very inspiring, has used this effect before. Anyone have a clue on how that transition between sections is done?
Thanks for the link, this has helped, my original question about the transitions was the fade in and out effect used when going through the sections of the site, not necesarily the transition animations.
Sorry bout that I guess i shouldve been more specific. Does anyone know what im talking about? Its the fading blurry type effect. How is that done in flash?
Yes i agree thats some nifty fading, what i’ve noticed is that it blurs then fades to white, is that done using movie clips or actionscript?
Ive tried using fading to white but it does just that…fade to white, this transition is much more elegant and its so smooth. Im thinking its imported images that fade into each other, just wondering if thats the correct way.
i wonder if perhaps they used 2 images, one very clear photo, and then photoshopped another identical image that has the levels blown out a little, and THEN used a fade transition in flash but swapping the jpgs at the appropriate time…that might create a more elegant effect
daniel is on the right track, however the second photo needs to be blurred, also during that photos fade out set it at the start using the color: advanced properties… under settings …set the right hand column there to
then on the end frame as it is fading out…set it to fade to alpha zero…