how do you enable -sampler in flash develop for scout telemetry

im using flash develop and I cant figure out where to put -sampler needed for ios detailed telemetry.

I am able to add advanced telemetry to the compiler and it works for android, but ios needs this extra value set.

im feeling kind of stupid i assume it gets set somewhere in one of the .bat files so it gets passed to adt?

ok i got it, in packager.bat i altered this default line

call adt -package -target %TYPE%%TARGET% %OPTIONS% -sampler %SIGNING_OPTIONS% “%OUTPUT%” “%APP_XML%” %FILE_OR_DIR%

Interesting. I think I’ve only used adt like… once, so my initial thought when reading your question was that it must be an Android packaging tool, rather than the A standing for AIR.

As always, thanks for including the solution in your followup.

I stared to get confused between adb, adt, adl, FDT, FD4, and for some reason I always google [problem]+flash builder instead of “flash develop” which is what I mean to say.

then google trys to sell me adt alarm systems :slight_smile:

unrelated, but theres unofficial talk of flash builder kind of being abandoned in the near future over at the adobe forums

Oh, I don’t doubt it. As soon as AS4 and AVM4 were cancelled (in 2013?), and the Flash team was strewn across various other Adobe teams, the writing was well-engraved on the wall. “Hellcat”, which was Flash Authoring 13 or 14 (?) seemed to me to be a test of how well some engineering resources could be sent off to wither with a lack of focus on anything but life support.

Flash Builder was an interesting enterprise, given that Adobe really wanted Java developers to migrate to AS3 when it arrived in 2006. OTOH, tools like FDT and FlashDevelop probably attracted a lot of people as free/unofficial alternatives. That’s one trouble when open-sourcing most of your compilation infrastructure. Now that Adobe has switched to subscriptions for lots of their licensing, they probably have good metrics on how much it makes sense to fund any one particular program, in terms of how much that program is used. I’m guessing Flash Builder doesn’t form any significant percentage in their usage calculations.

How about I sell you on some new blue stickers for your entryway windows?

haha, I got Ebola stickers they’re cheaper and work just as well

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