How do you Link to kirupa?

I use view new posts at work so its quicker (gotta watch out for them bosses keeping an eye out for me… they’re at lunch now wheew), while at home I link directly to the forums home where I can quickly jump to either forum or new posts or online for that matter :wink:

at work the link is in the links menu of IE and at home in the favorites menu. No desktop or startmenu icon, Im not THAT bad… yet :slight_smile:!
And then I’lll browse through the talk and help forums!:beam:

who´s online and kirupaforum

sen, i got the same problem here with my bosses :frowning:
i got to dodge theyr searching eyes :eye: to get to kirupaville. that´s a big pain is the a$$

yeah Im starting to think mine are catching on because whenever they walk by there hear me (or I assume they hear me) hit alt-tab to skip back to a maximized photoshop or director screen hehe how long can I keep this up?

what do they think? that we have to work non stop?
i fell like a slave with the master slahing his whip on my back.

i´m sure they´re on to me, but i´m always deliver a good work on time, so they can´t complain to me, and the fact that they pay me almost nothing helps to keep theyr mounth shut. that´s a good way to bear my thin paycheck :frowning:

how do i view new posts? never figured that out…

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I have a link on my website I use to get to Random.

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

lmao…smart :phil: always looking out for numero uno!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :whistle: good for you =)

hrm…that poll seems weird…

they’re not radio boxes…they’re checkboxes…

shouldn’t you only be able to vote for one option? unless of course you’re a schitzo who is undecisive over which personality to take and thus, vote with…

*Originally posted by *
**how do i view new posts? never figured that out… **

well like phil said or you can just use this link

*Originally posted by Pewter *
**hrm…that poll seems weird…

they’re not radio boxes…they’re checkboxes…

shouldn’t you only be able to vote for one option? unless of course you’re a schitzo who is undecisive over which personality to take and thus, vote with… **

thats for in case you have more than one link to Kirupa, like I said before, I have a link to new threads and kirupaforums home so I checked both.

thanks guys!