How Does he Do this?

Can anyone explain how I do the music portion on this site?

I would really like to learn…can anyone refer me to a online tutorial or a book that i could buy that would teach me this?



maybe he did it by this way:
in the first flame:
_global.songs = new Array ();
_global.playing = “no”;
_global.currentSong = 1;
_global.songs[1] = “mp3’s/Track061.mp3”;
_global.songs[2] = “mp3’s/Track01.mp3”;
_global.songs[3] = “mp3’s/Track06.mp3”;
_global.playSong = function () {
if (_global.playing != “yes”) {
_global.songObject = new Sound ();
trace (_global.songs[_global.currentSong]);
_global.songObject.loadSound(_global.songs[_global.currentSong], true);
_global.songObject.onSoundComplete = function () {
_global.playing = “yes”;
_global.stopSong = function () {
_global.playing = “no”;
_global.nextSong = function () {
numSongs = _global.songs.length;
numSongs = numSongs - 1;
if (_global.currentSong < numSongs) {
_global.currentSong = _global.currentSong + 1;
} else {
_global.currentSong = 1;
if (_global.playing == “yes”) {
trace (_global.currentSong);
_global.prevSong = function () {
numSongs = _global.songs.length;
numSongs = numSongs - 1;
if (_global.currentSong > 1) {
_global.currentSong = _global.currentSong - 1;
} else {
_global.currentSong = numSongs;
if (_global.playing == “yes”) {
_global.volumeUp = function () {
vol = _global.songObject.getVolume();
if (vol < 100) {
volume_txt.text = vol;
vol = vol + 5;
_global.volumeDown = function () {
vol = _global.songObject.getVolume();
if (vol > 0) {
volume_txt.text = vol;
vol = vol - 5;

then the four buttoms:
on (release) {

on (release) {

on (release) {

on (release) {

and then volume:
onClipEvent (load) {
left = this._x - 50;
top = 47;
right = this._x + 50;
bottom = 47;
volCalc = this._x - 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
vslidery = this._x;
_global.songObject.setVolume(vslidery - volCalc);
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
if (_parent.base.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
startDrag (this, false, left, top, right, bottom);
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
//thie as on a movieclip
ok ,do you understand?

hi, i would like to know how to create the side text scroller found in that website…i dont want any normal or ordinary looking scrollers that come with flash…anyone has any idea or tutorial of doing this? there must also be a vertical bar at the side indicating where u r in the the text area

thanks in advance

wow…thanks mattqian

i can see what you did but I have no idea how that works? was that all in flash? no xml like you were saying?

I will try copying and changing the pieces to see if i can get it to work…thanks so much for your help

OMG! That site is sick! I absolutely love it!

You guys have to check out that guys portfolio!

Yeah some really good work!!! did you see this one?

yes i really like that site, i think he is an excellent designer

thanks mattqian

I got the songs to play - not the volume slider but i’ve seen a tutorial in here regarding that…so I will just check with that

Do you or anyone know how to add the time and name to each song? so the user can see that something is loading? and which track is playing?

that is something I really need…thanks for your help

Hey there Circles,
There is a really good player at
It should be right there… mp3 player. You can see a version that I am working on here

Really good player… It should do everyting you need!!!

hope this helps

hey thanks FlashPlaya…this player is great…this is exaclty what i need thanks

FlashPlaya i really like your form also…is there an easy tutorial or anything i can see how you made that?

thanks again

Hey Circles,
All i really did was change the art around…:slight_smile: