How does setChildIndex(); work?

For the life of me, I cannot understand this method. The help files are confusing to me, and I can’t locate anything else on the web that explains how it works.

What I have is an array of 5 objects closely in a row, that tween and expand on a MOUSE_OVER. Trouble is, I want the object to be in front of the others on the MOUSE_OVER, but part of it is always beneath the object to its right or left. Here’s the code I have:

import fl.transitions.*; 
import fl.transitions.easing.*;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, setupVars);

function setupVars(e:Event):void {
    trace("Entering setupVars");
    //The following removes the Event.ENTER_FRAME listener so that it does not activate 30 times a second.
    var myArray:Array = [box1_mc, box2_mc, box3_mc, box4_mc, box5_mc];  
    for(var i:Number = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
    myArray*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, boxOver);
    myArray*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, boxOut);
    myArray*.buttonMode = true;
var box:Tween;
var box2: Tween;
function boxOver(ev:Event):void {
     box = new Tween(, "width", Elastic.easeIn, 100, 130, .5, true);
     box = new Tween(, "height", Elastic.easeIn, 100, 130, .5, true);
     trace("yay, it works")

function boxOut(ev:Event):void {
     box2 = new Tween(, "width", Elastic.easeOut, 130, 100, 1, true);
     box2 = new Tween(, "height", Elastic.easeOut, 130, 100, 1, true);
     trace("yay, this one works, too")

Could someone be so kind as to help me with the setChildIndex method? I want any particular box to be in front of the others on the OVER.