How is this done?

I was wondering how this effect was done.

The skateboarder/Surfer in this intro flash looks awesome. Is this done with a video clip or is it done by tracing a video clip in flash? Or is it actually animated completely?

Regardless of the answer is there a tutorial somewhere on how to do this?

To see the effect please click here: Effect here

It could be either. They could have imported a movie clip and traced. It could be a straight animation, or it could be a vectorized movie clip by using Flix. As for a tutorial… Its either just drawing or using a program… no real tutorials for that…

I’m guessing they either…

a) Took a movie with a guy doing that stuff… And then just blacking his body and board out… And then importing it like that…


b) They just hand drawn it… Either or… it’s just a basic animation.

found out how they do it. Its called Rotoscoping!

here is a tut on it… enjoy

::::RotoScoping Tutorial::::

*Originally posted by Cynegenica *
**found out how they do it. Its called Rotoscoping!

here is a tut on it… enjoy

::::RotoScoping Tutorial:::: **

That’s one way of ding it.
Thing is it wouldn’t be coast effective coz it would take to long to do.

The easiest way is, in a video package like Aftereffects; export the part of the movie as sequential bmp’s. Then import them into Photoshop, make it gray scale and use the Level tool to get the what’s black is black and what’s white is white look.
There are other tools in Photoshop that will do this. Levels isn’t always the best way.

Then save each image as a jpg [or whatever] and import into flash.

excellent… thanks for the info.


That’s cool,

I’m just bored. I wouldn’t have said anything otherwise