How the heck was this made?

just remember that swap depths is a function to control the DEPTH of a movie clip… not a level of a movie. Most of the time, even us old timers end up refering to depth, as “level” just because that’s what it seems is going on… but we shouldn’t it’s confusing.\r\rlevel, is a designation of stack order of LOADED swfs\rdepth is a designation of stack order of all flash objects on the stage.\r\rthey are really quite different.

Hi there, sorry that it took me so long to answer, but I’m studying and… blabla…I GOT IT.

I must admit, that this isn’t a very nice way, but it is a way.

Okay, remember that I wanted the menubuttons in the mainmovie, that always appears in _level0. Each topic gets an own _level (this is new) and on a mouseaction (like release) on a button the currently activated movie (for example there is one loaded in _level10) is being told to play its outfade-part. But this makes it neccessary to tell a variable, which movie is currently activated. Lets call this var “movielevel”. I’m not sure if I am to stupid, but I only get it working by setting the value of the variable like following, which makes it necessary to set this variable in every movie representing a topic itself :
_level.movielevel = _root

If you got that, the first part of the buttonaction looks like that:

with (movielevel)

Then you only have to load the movie relating to the chosen topic (button that was released). But don’t forget to set the level, not the target :slight_smile:



show us !!

pom 0]

What does the command


do ?

Im not the profi in actionscript and all the things I know (which is not very much), I learned it by reading the ActionScriptDictionary. But because I dont know english so well, it is a litle hard and I dont get everything! As far as I understoodwith, it should be liketellTarget`. You use it to point an object, that you want to control.

If I have a movie that contains a movieclip (e.g. I named the instance of the clip “circle”) in which a circle beginns at the left of the screen running to the middle and then to the top, I could use with to start the movieclip with the circle in the middle instead of left. In the case of the circle is in the middle in the frame 20 (of the timeline of the movieclip “circle”) I would write:

with (
{ gotoandplay (20);}

Did you understand, what I was trying to explain? I hope you could <img src= ALT=":">


Strange that Flash has so many ways to do the same thing.
OK? put you still haven’t posted your swf yet…

pom 0]

I was looking around and came across this file for a menu. looks simpler than the one posted here but does the same thing I have not looked at the fla yet but I am posting here for you guys as well. that is if you care for it.…php?id=259

Good day,

hi everyone

Man i have not been online for TWO WEEKS! I felt so deprived! and I am so happy that a lotr of you guys are now discussing about my query. Thanks a lot. I have not read much but i think i will at least learn more of this stuff when i go through it later. honestly i’ve leaned quite a lot just by reading what you guys discuss here for the past two months. And I appreciate all of ya flash geniuses (even the humble amateurs --like me). Once again thanks and Boy am I glad to be back!


ps heya ther Pom! :slight_smile:

Heya ther pom ??? Speaking Danish ??

pom 0]

wie get est ihmen Pom. Ich nein sprecht Danish. hahahah nasty German.

I’m French by the way. Aber ich kann ein bisschen Deutch sprechen…

pom 0]