How this is done ?!

Hello folks,

i have visited a very good flash site…I gotta give credit for their dedication and their work as well.

I wonder, how they put all those animation in a banner with that small size of file ? I mean banner’s size is not big at all.

My other question is that, how do you make it “zoom in and zoom out” on a movie…Like on those banners. Do they binding all the layers to make it a movie then resize it on the movie or what ?

Could anyone or everyone :slight_smile: give an answer for these two questions ?

Thank you !

banner? I don’t see any banners on this site, just a full flash site like any others.

He used to be a member here, haven’t seen him in a while, I think he won SOTW before… not sure though.

[edit]Yep, he did, he is in the list… [/edit]

Hi, if u look at his work, it mostly consists of banners. Those are what i am talking about…any advise ?

Hmm, how they got the file-size small I really don’t know, but the animation and all that seems to be just basic tweens (though very well implemented). My guess is they just optimized the animation by re-using movie clip symbols for certain animation sequences. I never was too good with tweening stuff.