I have an already made flash intro for my website. My website is not all flash mostly html but i would like a nice intro for it. Someone said something about maybe i have to put the .swf file on a blank html page and rename it as my index.html. I’m using Flash MX 6 and Dreamweaver MX so if anybody can help i would greatly appriciate it.
P.S. This site has been a big help so for. I’ve couldn’t have gotten as for as i have now without it. Thanx
This is the website i’m working on–> www.rueorleans.com
Yeah that’s the way you’re gonna’ do it. Then just place a getURL action on the last frame so that when the intro’s done playing it loads the “home” page.
And welcome to the forums. 
PLEASE add a skip intro aswell. I really never watch intro’s unless I hear they are good, and I’m looking for insipration. I’d say flash movies that play while you browse other content is FAR superior… Your header is pretty nice as a flash thing. Maybe spruce it up with an “intro” style thing instead?
I never watch intros period. Plus, please let users turn off audio, whenever I’m on my computer I had audio on, and I never want to things playing at the same time, it drives me insane.