How to code advanced buttons propertly?

Hello everyone,

I am running into few issues with my site and would really appreciate any input. First question is I have a navigation bar with a series of buttons on it. When you rollover any other these buttons there is and action on them saying :

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {

on (press) {

Now I want to create some AS that when a button is click and disabled and then the user clicks on another button all buttons will reset themselves and play “out” if they were previously clicked (enabled=false)

So in the end I am just looking to say "Hey flash if a button 1 is clicked and disbaled and then button 2 is click then button 1 needs to enabled itself and play “out”.

I am open to any clean proper ways of coding this. I am trying to become more clean and intuitive with my AS so any suggestion would be great. THANKS!